Wednesday, August 28, 2013


      Right, Season 4. It's been a while since I last posted something on this site. But, hey. It's not like there's a billion viewers waiting for me to post my non-sense here. But let's get down to it. We've been working our butts right off. Ever since Gussi got back from Norway, we've been shooting... and when we're not shooting. It's editing or writing. Gussi arrived on a Sunday. The following Monday, we shot a new skit. We've still got to do the ADR. The week I spent finishing the rest of the video in editorial, as well as prepping for shooting our next video. 'Archer' we used the entire weekend to shoot. Was a real challenge  lots of things we've never done before. Right now Valli is working on editing it and so am I. Once we've locked the cut we're moving into ADR recording. Where we re-record all the dialogue. For both 'Archer' and the skit video. So it's all in motion
     We're also going to shoot a video for the next Monday Challenge for Film-Riot. As well as I am writing another script for another skit. Once we've shot the next challenge video, we're probably going to do either the last episode of 'Tango-Down' or the new skit. Either way, Tango-Down will be our fourth video of the season and the next skit the fifth. Sixth will probably be 'Black-Eyes', then another skit and after that 'Cold-Steel.' I think. We haven't gotten any further.
       I'm moving back to writing the sci-fi film: working title - pFuture. It's in motion, people are joining in and things are getting on. I hope we can start casting November-ish. 90 pages of story is a lot. GOD. So much work right now. I really love it, but it's also driving everyone nuts.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend updates

     After coming home from the final school trip, we nose-dive back into production. Starting off: Hlynur calls me and tells me that he needs and SSD card for his brand new GoPro - Hero 3: Silver Edition. He took the camera to his school trip and filmed the whole thing with his GoPro. The video can be seen at his channel here. Then I plan weekend shooting, but having to delay it from Saturday to Sunday. I spent the Saturday at Hlynur's place. Testing out some editing software and the GoPro. We threw it in the fish tank and discussed possible mounting positions. I then contacted all the people that we needed for the Sunday shoot.
     The crew left Keflavík 12:15 and shot all day in excellent weather, unlike the shooting day two weeks earlier. The use of a certain prop is just amazing in this piece, can't wait for you guys to see it. I won't be able to edit until wednesday... since the audio is still a bit 'iffy' I will edit the whole thing and then summon all the speaking roles to one location to do ADR, but very differently then we're used to. I will also be learning how to use Audacity in order to work audio better than before.
     Speaking has always been an issue, we're close to solving that! This new idea behind ADR plus an investment I'll be making soon after this summer (after working my butt off for it, that is.) The investment is a brand new micro-phone device deal that is a pro-grade equipment! Also considering buying an anamorphic filter for my DSLR for the shooting of our sci-fi feature. Codename: pFuture.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


So people loved 'You're a lamp' there's only one thing. What do we do with that info? Sequel? Not yet. Next on the agenda is another similar sketch. If that one is considered good, or in similar ranks as the lamp thing. We're making this a series. Clever name? Maybe... We're just going to make similar videos about the adventures of some guys. The character we see in You're a lamp: Dave. His roommate, the one he spoke of twice, William (Valdimar) their friend Harvey (Hlynur) and more. Average days is the feel we're going for, but these guys aren't average. They have a 'living' lamp and do shenanigans. Sound good?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bogey 11 and production for episode 4

We've just released the 3. episode in the series known as "Operation: Tango-Down." Featuring actor Guðsteinn Ellertson. The episode's ratings have been climbing and it's definitely raised the standard for the series. The next episode will be re-written in order to compete with the standard we just set. As well as the time mark of 5 minutes, now we have to lengthen the next episode. As well as shoot it just as well. Which means I will try and get Guðsteinn back for the camera. Still working on getting some Behind the scenes done, as well as planing the next shoot, because next available weekend is a bit crowded, might need to do something else. HINT - HINT. Maybe film the final scene for Blue-Nova.

Monday, April 29, 2013

You're a lamp!

After making a snap decision to take part in Ryan's Monday Challenge on Film Riot. We wrote and shot a film that until the contest is over, we're calling Monday Challenge: The Emotion, as instructed. But after that we're re-naming it to 'You're a lamp!' The video features me and my place's lamp. I make references to Hlynur and Valli, Hlynur's name is on the note left at the dining table... Valli is referanced in me saying: "Did William buy you?" simply because I know Valli thinks his name should be William, were he English/American. The idea is simple enough, but it has gotten great responses in the short time it's been out. People seem to enjoy the simple things we've been doing (Footsteps, Lampiness) next month we're wrapping up the long awaited 'Operation: Tango-Down: Case 3 - Bogey 11' and then the fourth episode, 'Operation: Tango-Down: Case 4 - Breach & Clear' which is being re-written, simply because the third episode tops it, if we don't. So look forward to more and more awesome content. Because from now on, it's all Michael Williams and Lewis Charles until the season is over!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


'Footsteps' was something out of the ordinary, not something you'd see at the channel regularly, that's an understatement. We've been working on it since January. That being pre-production, we read the story in class and I just fell in love with it.  February we filmed it. I started some tests back then and March was kind of post-production video section, then one week in April was the audio. Which was the one thing I was really disappointed by... we just didn't have the time, the ADR wasn't good enough,  I am also very new to the whole audio business. For that I apologize, but the car driving was completely digital. What a waist of time on something that could have been done practical! The whole film was shot during the day in order to keep the crew refreshed and upbeat. Instead the whole film was  converted to night time with different methods and techniques. Also, the first Einarsson Films EVER to feature a female actor (this case 2.) So moving forward in life, or movies... whatever.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The month of April, Last few months of 'Season 3' & some 'Season 4' News!

        Starting with the month of April. I've yet to finish 'Footsteps' but I intend to finish it Monday! ADR (Automatic Dialogue Replacement) is in Valli's hands, as the video work has a few adjustments I'd like to add before I send it out. Next weekend we're filming the third episode of 'Tango-Down,' I expect to be done writing it this weekend. Which will be released last possible second this month, as usual. Hlynur wanted to jump on as Co-Writer on this one... 'Footsteps' has been in production since February. So we've worked a fair bit on it, but it's not exactly textbook Einarsson Films, so If you like our different projects, this one is for you.

        Ok, May... just a quick update. In May we're hopefully releasing 'Soldier's Eye 2' but if we can't get the GoPro we were hoping for, we're probably doing a cinematic video, beautiful shots and nice calm music... and the other video that month (not necessarily the last, depends on how things work out) is the fourth 'Tango-Down' episode. In which we see a nice plot-twist and cliffhanger. Then in June we're finishing the 'Tango-Down' series, with the release of the 5. episode (first two weeks or so...) Then ending the season on the release of the long awaited 'Operation: Blue-Nova' which was originally written to be the beginning of the series... now you'll see it as the sequel to the 'Tango-Down' series! Then we're taking a break from releasing, but we'll need to film a lot for 'Season 4.'

        'Season 4' will be a month of no release dates, no more quick short videos. We're closing in on school transfers and moving to a new stage of education, leaving us filled with stress as it is, slowing down releases but making 4 longer projects instead. The 4 projects can be read about on the 'Coming soon' page, but I'll count them up here:

  'Outlawed in the West' : a western, most likely the first video

  'Operation: Cold-Steel' : the sequel to Blue-Nova and finishing the trilogy of 'Operations,' likely to be the second video (unconfirmed) 

  'Carlos' : our top secret project, probably the third or fourth video

  'Project Future' : working title, a Sci-Fi comedy-drama, probably the third or fourth video. My personally most anticipated.

        Even though 'Season 4' is filled with challenges, four films, two of them something we've never done before, one will be kept completely secret, 'Cold-Steel' will be the most straight forward one, but that is still a difficult task, I will probably not be interlacing the shooting too much. We'll most likely film it in the order I counted it up. Except for 'Cold-Steel,' that will depend entirely on when Henry can show up. Or if it will be re-cast... let's hope that we won't do that. So excitement. I am trying to remain focused at our current season, but it's hard because we've got so much to look forward too. I have to focus on finishing the coming projects, which I'm also really excited for. Mainly the 'Operation' series though, if I'd be honest... here's the thing though, films like the western and the Sci-Fi film will be good to show to just about anybody... and 'Footsteps' you don't need to be an action fanatic to enjoy that either so, those are usually getting more attention.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


So, I've had this idea circling in my head. It's about a certain story, and a certain character. I don't want to give anything away, really... but I want to tell you a fair bit. The basic was to do a short action film deal that takes place in not so distant future, where we're using holographic technology and stuff like that. For the longest time I had the basic plot in my head, but no idea how to get my point and just the over all characters across in the tale form. Then, on my way to handball practice, I started to listen to a Jack White album on my iPod the way there. The plot then just started to spin it self nicely... now I can move into writing. Just a short story I wanted to share with you on Inspiration.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Assassin: Episode 6 - The Finale

We've already filmed the finale. As of today, that is. We used the new Canon camera, and Einar brought his similar camera. So we're filming the same exact moment from two angles simultaneously. It was just amazing to plan out shots and see them from such different angles. It was a huge increase in workflow and production-value. I will be getting that side of the files this weekend. I will upload the production snaps once I get them from both sides. Monday, I start editing. I'm hoping to finish audio, visual effects and music sometime between Tuesday and Thursday. It's the plan. Then I'm recording that weekend. The next episode of Tango-Down. So yeah, busy times.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Season 4, February and more!

So, starting with February...I know I don't have anything out. Yeah, I'm a bad person... Work on 'Footsteps' is well underway. It's actually only got the last few bits of post-production-audio left. Including ADR and adding in some final foley touches... But here's the deal. I've only got this one day to get everybody's lines in (That's 5 characters... thank you.) So I doubt it's gonna make it. But it got me thinking about season 4... Which I'll get to in a second. So I've been pushing people to see If I can get it here in time, but if I can't. I will just release it first thing March. With the videos already planned for that month. Which is the second episode of 'Operation: Tango-Down' and hopefully 'Soldier's Eye 2.' Once again, if that doesn't work. I'm just going straight for 'Assassin' - Episode 6.
       Now, season 4. It's changing people! Once we complete the current on going season 3 with the 2 a month process, we move to season 4. Where we're going to longer projects. Give us much more time on them and work on each one like the big ones we do every so often. We'll be doing the videos as we see fit. Working on them until we see them complete. The reason we didn't do this sooner, is because I need some pressure to keep going. But I trust I can complete this sort of thing now without a release date. So. We've got 4 projects in store. More can be found about them on the -Coming Soon- page.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Footsteps in the Night and more weekend updates.

       With only a few days until I intend to release the pilot for Operation: Tango-Down. I've been working hard on post. With almost no time for anything else. It's being really looked into. I like seeing so much detail in every visual, every shot and every sound. It's going to be great. I promise to release it the 31st of January. It's been a long month, Only a video on the first day of the month and the last day.

       That brings me to February, I need to look into what I'll be doing there. When ever I'm not able to work on the films directly I work on the web-based parts, which is very efficient as it is. I've found more time on the website so, yeah! Now the Coming soon page is really updated. Always. On there I've put up a schedule for me to follow. In February, getting back to the point, I will hopefully be finishing the Assassin series. With the final episode, six. As well as a horror story thing called Footsteps in the Night. It's based of a story we read in class with the same title. It's about this wire-killer sort of murderer and a girl, who's in distress.

       If you've already read the Coming Soon-page. Skip to the next paragraph. In March, we'll be getting back to Tango-Down, the second episode to be more specific, and putting out one more episode every single month, while still doing one other video a week. In March we have Soldier's Eye 2, HOPEFULLY! I can't stress enough that sometimes we just can't find time or people for projects. In April we have a new episode of Tango and also another Cinematic, something similar to Ghost-Town. An artistic follow-up if you will. Then it's May, where we'll hopefully be finishing Blue-Nova. As well as another episode of Tango-Down. I still have to decide which comes first because Tango-Down has a big twisty moment in the 4. episode. Then finally in June, We'll be doing the final episode of Tango-Down. As well as a western called 'Outlawed in the West' which will be featuring much more real-like gun-fire and real horses. YEAH! That raps up what you can read on the Coming soon page, anyway. But there it's got more detail and set up more nicely. So maybe look there more often? It's your choice, your life, isn't it? Well... it's just a nice site.

       The Music for Tango-Down, as well as Blue-Nova and the entire Operation series is intended to be done by a talented individual at my age, Eyþór Ólafsson. He's doing some amazing music as we blog -See what I did there?- Lame jokes aside, he is the lead guitarist for the piece. Then I will get all of the delicious .wav files and composite them in with some drum elements and vocal passes. Hoping I can send the finished piece to Valdimar, the producer and get an opinion, on the 30th So It can be fixed and uploaded on the release day, 31st. Wish me some post-production-luck!

       Now that all the films that I filmed last summer are uploaded, or unfinished (Blue-Nova) I need to film. A LOT! I say that because I've got to film every weekend I'm in Keflavík (Where the crew live.) Every other weekend I work the pre-production end a bit more. But I've only got 2 filming weekends every month, now how many videos do we need to film? Enough to upload 2 a month. So, that's maddening. If we pull that off until the end of the season, we deserve a pizza dinner. That's for sure! I've got to write down when I intend to film what. Because it's the only way I will survive.

       Wow this has been a long update post. Last time was like 2 paragraphs or something. Moving to Dizturbed, also known as Hlynur. He's usually the -Stunt supervisor- on our films because he has a lot of experience with this sort of business. Because we throw him off tall things. That's not important right now, what's important is  his projects. He likes to make videos. But takes more interest personally in machinimas. He's always working on something, when he isn't he's just dying inside. I'm working on a project with him. But I have limited time as I'm doing so much for Einarsson Films at the moment. Not to mention personal -things- but he's managing to find other projects when I'm off busy. Which is most of the time. But his channel can be found in the information tab on the site. You can also just find him under Dizturbed111 on youtube. I wish him the best of luck. He's doing great!

       If you read all that. I must thank you. For showing an interest. With love...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Operation: What-the-F**k?

We've finished principal photography on the Tango-Down pilot. It will be up on the 25th, if all goes well. The poster for the pilot can be found HERE. Feel free to pass it around. The pilot it self is 3:25 minutes in length, Principal editorial is completed. Visual effects as well. We've yet to look into sound and music, as well as color-grading. If the pilot does well. We will continue to film the next 4 episodes. Then make the whole series ready, before uploading 1 a month. So wish me luck!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

What's next, Mr. Einarsson?

      It's time for a long post, It's been to short and sweet here at the website.
So, Let's start of with something simple. On this blog you can get much more info regarding all video production, some projects I talk about here never get made, sadly. But we're always looking for good ways to interact with the community, This is one for people who care and want to hear.
      Next video in January is the first episode of a series called 'Operation: Tango-Down' It's a 5 episode series, unlike Assassin which is waiting for the 6th and final episode. It's long overdue to finish that series, but we need more prep then previous short episodes. Getting back to 'Tango.' We intend to tell you what happened before 'Blue-Nova' once it came out. But it got delayed, and this just was next up so we couldn't delay it anymore. 'Tango' is much more scripted then Assassin and the pilot will be out there by the end of January if this weekend's shoot go well.
       It's planed to film dialogue scenes on the Saturday, then the action scene on Sunday. We've got a larger crew then ever for such a short episode. We're expecting a crew of 4 on Saturday, and 5-6 on Sunday. We've completed a script and shot-list. I've got to do a few things before we can enter production. Only 3 episodes are scripted so far, but the series has been planned out.
      Other then 'Tango' I've been working on a machinima series. But deny going into detail, as I fear too much hype that people can build in their heads when it comes to something new and interesting. Sorry, no more info as of this time. Stay tuned on Aetosaur if you want the first glimpse. When it arrives, but that's Henry's territory.
       I think we've finally built a pretty good net of people who want to join the film crew and are ready to join the projects we're working on, when the crew get's bigger. So does the quality and audience. 'Tango' for instance will be full of high DOF shots as I test the new lens I got. 75-300mm If you speak camera, otherwise google it. Recently, the crew just added like 4-5 members interested in being a part of something I do. So, great for us!

         Thank you for your attention.

-DEinarsson: Director