Sunday, June 3, 2012

Filming started for Project Allies

The shooting for the upcoming project, Project Allies, or Operation: Blue-Nova has started. First day of filming was just being finished today. It was a great action sequence. We filmed for around 3hrs today. After that I looked at some of the clips, one in specific, and I see now that the VFX for that specific scene will be a little daring, This was the filming of one out of 3 fight scenes. The first one is a silent ninja like one, the second is an intense scene where the three characters do not know the position of the other. Then finally the third is a chase scene which has a great twist in the end. I cannot say to much, But the first one will only need to be filmed correctly and the second one will be based allot on editing. But the third has it's source on VFX. Today we filmed the second one. I like to think we'll start with filming the fights then we'll move over to filming all the dialog sequences. Over all this will be allot of work over the coming months since we all have summer jobs and all our families has plans! I also believe that I will try and base the camera movement on the character's feelings. So if the scene is intense the camera will shake and move around allot. If the scene has allot of running, the camera will be running around. If the character is just delivering a line or doing mondain work, It's stable. But when the line get's feeling attached to it, so will the camera.


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