Haven't posted in ages. But I decided to to a little upkeep on the site. There's been a little work around here and there. A lot of projects that I had going have been abandoned. Some we will pick up in the future... but right now, we're doing different stuff, very different stuff. A lot of it isn't even work I'm doing for myself, but it's all work and all very educational and a whole lot of fun.
If you're wondering where we've been, the answer really isn't anything other than "busy" but we're going back into production on some short films that you'll see over the coming months. So plenty more stuff to come, but right now we're doing more difficult stuff and more stuff in general, the fact is that things take time, a lot of it.
On the other hand we're moving up in the real world, people are noticing us, we're getting to collaborate more and it's a lot of fun. Please do take a look at the coming soon site if you're interested in what you can see in the not-to-distant future though. It's all really exciting, if I do say so myself.