Well, Do to some issues with the cast, Road to the End will not air for some time, most issues have been fixed but the recording of it will delay for some time. On a simmilar note while the second episode was about the starting issues in survival minecraft: gathering block, starting a farm. But we recorded about 5 other episodes, but the audio messed up, so now we gotta record a tour of what we've done so far. (Finished the farm, a portal, a breeding farm, a mineshaft, a fishing place) hopefully you understand. On another note some of us CGI dudes will be on a simmilar survival let's play with Saurian of Aetosaur channel. With tribes, me being pirate-ish.
Regarding the Woodpuncher stuff. Tomorrow we start testing the software and the rigs more intensly, by intesnly we meen 80 minutes each wednessday, and more other days of the week, ofcourse.